Something a little different...
This morning as I was praying (something I had struggled to do this week), the Psalm reading was 109. In this Psalm David is lamenting those who are wicked and deceitful and who are against him. They hate and attack him…without cause. He has loved them, but they accuse him. So what is his response? Look at verse 4:
In return for my love they accuse me,
But I give myself to prayer.
What a beautiful statement! This tells us so much about David and where he finds his help and his strength. It tells us about his character. It also points us forward to David’s greater Son who was accused, slandered, pursued unjustly, and much more - and what did he do? He prayed. He trusted the Father.
Thinking about this posture towards prayer encouraged (and convicted) me in my own prayer life.
We also saw recently (on Day 260) how Nehemiah responded to the news about Jerusalem (he prayed), and even how he responded when asked by the King what was wrong (Nehemiah 2:4) - he quickly prayed because he was a man of prayer…a man who understood his dependence on God.
May this stir all our hearts to be more regular in prayer.