The Leadership of Living Hope


Senior Pastor

Chad Grindstaff grew up in northern Indiana. He is a Midwestern boy at heart. Chad loves the outdoors - hiking, camping, playing with his family, and almost any sport. He also enjoys a relaxed afternoon on the couch reading during a thunderstorm.

Chad attended Ball State University and after graduation spent 6 years working with Campus Crusade for Christ at the University of Illinois and overseas in the Middle East. While at Illinois Chad met his amazing wife, Erin. She was working for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and in 2001 they were married. They have four children: Reed, Meredith, Anna Kate, and Nicholas.

Chad has a Masters of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary and has been an Assistant Pastor in both Gainesville, FL and Mason, OH. Chad has a passion for teaching the truth of God's Word in a clear way where Christ is exalted and people are given the hope of the Gospel.


Elder, Youth Leaders, & Administrative Assistant

Danny & Sarah Brewer are high school sweethearts who grew up in western Pennsylvania where they attended Grove City College. They relocated to the Cincinnati area in 2007 for Danny’s work at a local insurance company. Danny & Sarah have two children, Lucy and Pacey.

The Brewers have been part of Living Hope since the beginning. Danny was ordained as an elder in 2019, Sarah works as the administrative assistant for the church, and together they serve on the leadership team for Living Hope’s Rooted youth ministry.

One of the family’s favorite things to do together is to go camping and enjoy the beauties of God’s creation. The Brewers love Jesus and His church and are thankful to be part of the Living Hope family.



Hans Wagner grew up in the Cincinnati area and now lives in Liberty Township with his wife, Megan, and their three daughters - Claire, Caitlin, and Colleen. Hans and Megan met in high school and were married in 2005. They are thankful to have been part of Living Hope since the initial planting.

Hans is an engineer by training and now works for a local aerospace company. Outside of work and the church, the Wagner family enjoys camping, smoked meat, and rooting on Ohio sports teams, including the Ohio State University Buckeyes. Hans has hosted community groups, regularly plays guitar during Sunday worship, and has served on the session since being ordained in 2019.



Doug and Kathy moved to southwest Ohio in 2017 for Doug to become Regional Director of Career Services at Miami University.  They live in Hamilton, where Doug manages the career services and professional development activities at Miami’s Hamilton and Middletown campuses.  Kathy also teaches courses at the Hamilton campus and is a professional pianist and piano instructor.  They enjoy doing building/home improvement projects and disaster relief work, and have helped with the building renovations at Living Hope as well as Family Promise of Butler County (temporary housing/training for homeless families).  They also enjoy walking, hiking, biking, and kayaking.  They have two adult daughters:  Rachel, who lives with her husband Ruben in Groningen, The Netherlands. Robin lives in Columbus, Ohio with our favorite grand dog, Gus.

Since surrendering to the call of Jesus as a teenager, Doug’s purpose in life has been to serve Christ in whatever capacity God presents.  He and Kathy met through the ministry of Kansas City Youth for Christ, and they have desired to make disciples and serve the body of Christ ever since.  In view of the tremendous work Jesus did in reconciling believers to God, they simply want to say “Thank You” to him with their lives.  They feel extremely blessed to be doing that in such a wonderful and loving local church—Living Hope. 


Youth Leaders

Dan and Allie Wagner serve on the leadership team for the Rooted Youth Group at Living Hope church. They have been married for almost 12 years and they have both been following the Lord since about the same time-thanks be to God! They have three precious children, Emma (8), Eli (6), and Elsie (1) whom Allie has the privilege of homeschooling, while also running a small flower farm from their home. Dan has a business in the automotive industry and has been taking seminary classes for a few years, working towards a Masters in Theology.

Dan and Allie both have a heart for encouraging the generations behind them and sharing the gospel in a way that reaches the students where they are in their walk. Sharing God's truths and sharing life with high school students has been a blessing for each of them and their family as well.



Greg Godwin

Bio and photo coming soon!



Mark Atchison

Bio and photo coming soon!