Community Involvement
Serving Faithfully
One of the things we desire as a church is to serve our community. We do that yearly through our Christmas Store (see below), but also through providing special things for teachers and staff, serving with tutoring or Bible studies. Our seeking the good of the community certainly includes the Township and surrounding townships as well as Hamilton. This year we are helping to sponsor the Thanksgiving 5k to support Young Lives.
Our desire is for the flourishing of our community and so we will not be a church that sits back and is only concerned about the people that come on Sunday, but we weekly pray for our community and seek ways in which we can serve and demonstrate the love of Christ. Because we seek to faithfully love our neighbor, as a church we continually look for various avenues to be involved for the bettering of our community. Some ways in which we have been involved:
Providing equipment and volunteers for movie nights in the summer
Serving with Habitat for Humanity and the Township with Rock the Block in the Five Points area
Serving our local schools.
One primary means of serving our schools is through the CHRISTMAS STORE. Partnering with Fairfield East & North Elementary Schools, along with Community Christian Church, North Fairfield Baptist, and Center Pointe Church - Living Hope joins in stocking and staffing a Christmas Store. The Store is held at the The Com at Community Christian on Milikin Road. The Christmas Store is a way to help bless our community, as well as restore dignity, while we seek to help break the cycle of poverty. The Christmas Store is one way Living Hope strives to reach into our community with an impact for Christ, providing an opportunity for parents and guardians to shop for gifts for children who might otherwise not have a gift to open on Christmas. This year's Christmas Store will be December 10.
Sign up HERE to help serve.
Christmas Store 2021 - Pastor Chad with the principals of Fairfield Township elementary schools (Denise Hayes & Paige Gillespie)