Day 287 - fear of others

I was struck this morning by a very small phrase in John 7:13: Yet for fear of the Jews no one spoke openly about him. I have spent the majority of my life professionally telling people about Jesus; whether on college campuses or in the church. But outside of my ‘professional’ life I too often acts like those in this verse. No, I don’t fear the Jews, but there is certainly a fear of man in my heart that keeps me from speaking openly and boldly about Jesus in the day to day. As I think about even what the message was about yesterday, I have too often been guilty of compartmentalizing my faith in this regard.

I share this because I doubt I’m alone in this fear. This is not a new phenomena for humanity. We very much operate out of fear. I need to keep in the forefront of my own thoughts and even feelings who God is and what it is I am called to - pleasing him in everything (cf. 2 Corinthians 5:9). It is not only glorifying to God but it is good for me and for others. When my heart and mind is focused on the Lord I am actually much more beneficial to those around me. The old adage that someone is ‘too heavenly minded to be any earthly good’ is completely false.

Let us strive to be those who seek the Lord in all that we do and seek to please him. And the more we grow in our knowledge of him the more likely this is to happen because we will grow more and more enamored with who he is.

Go today and be bold for Jesus.

Chad Grindstaff