Day 3 - Covenants
This morning in our reading from Genesis we see God’s consistent initiation with humanity. God moves towards sinful humanity while humanity has consistently moved away from and rebelled against God. Yesterday in 6:18 we read: But I will confirm my covenant with you…(NLT). Today we see that covenant made explicitly. We also see God’s character even in a simple statement like 8:1: But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and livestock with him in the boat…(NLT). It is not that God forgot, but it’s a way of signifying that God will take an action based on a commitment. God’s commitment is his covenant with Noah, a covenant of grace.
It would be helpful to take some time and consider what it means that God relates to humanity through covenants. This is where the resources we have as a church are so valuable. As a denomination we subscribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith and in Chapter 7 it addresses God’s covenant with man.
Westminster Confession of Faith
If you look at 9:8-17 you see the covenant God made with Noah. The rainbow in the sky is the sign of that covenant. And it is a sign of peace, as the bow is pointed upward, away from the earth.
What can you reflect on from this text? from the covenant made with Noah?
What does this tell us about ourselves? about God?