The Ancient Paths


This morning I want to get back to the heart of God…I’m not sure there is a better place to focus than that. The text I turn to is Jeremiah 6:16.

16 Thus says the LORD: 

“Stand by the roads, and look, 

and ask for the ancient paths, 

where the good way is; and walk in it, 

and find rest for your souls.

Stand and look. The Lord is commanding the people to look…to think…to consider as a traveller does on a journey. They should take care to find their way. Matthew Henry, the great Bible commentator wrote: “O that men would be thus wise for their souls, and would ponder the path of their feet, as those that believe lawful and unlawful are of no less consequence to us than the right way and the wrong are to a traveller!”

And then we find another imperative - ask for the ancient paths. What are the paths? They are the way of faithfulness that had been given to Moses and the people. The paths are the way of God and that which he blesses. They are the way of godliness and righteousness and peace and joy. They are the way of God’s law.They are the way laid out in Holy Scripture…the written Word of God given to us to be treasured and followed. This is the good way that we are to walk in.

Psalm 1:1-3

Blessed in the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, 

nor stands in the way of sinners, 

nor sits in the seat of scoffers; 

but his delight is in the law of the LORD, 

and on his law he meditates day and night. 

He is like a tree planted by streams of water 

that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. 

In all that he does, he prospers

This ancient way is the way of delight in the Lord and in his ways. It is delight in his Word and in all that he has given us. It is following these ways even when the road seems quite rough. It is an ancient way, not necessarily a smooth way. It will likely cost you a bit of pain, but you will find much help along that way, and certainly the end of the journey will make it all worthwhile. It is a way that will bring rest to our souls. The way of faithful obedience is the way of true and lasting growth (John 15:1-17). And we have a forerunner, because this is the path that our Lord walked before us and in him we have the strength to walk it too.

Yet there is a little bit of the verse that I left out - the response: But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’ Let us not say the same thing. Let us walk the road before us. Let us take up our cross and follow our Lord on his path of obedience and blessing. It is the good road. It is the road that reveals the heart of God…that he desires the best for his children.

Below is a song by Andrew Peterson (by now you know I really appreciate his music). It’s called “You’ll Find Your Way.”

Music video by Andrew Peterson performing You'll Find Your Way. (P) (C) 2012 Centricity Music. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation ...

When I look at you, boy
I can see the road that lies ahead
I can see the love and the sorrow

Bright fields of joy
Dark nights awake in a stormy bed
I want to go with you, but I can’t follow

So keep to the old roads
Keep to the old roads
And you’ll find your way

Your first kiss, your first crush
The first time you know you’re not enough
The first time there’s no one there to hold you

The first time you pack it all up
And drive alone across America
Please remember the words that I told you

Keep to the old roads
Keep to the old roads
And you’ll find your way
You’ll find your way

If love is what you’re looking for
The old roads lead to an open door
And you’ll find your way
You’ll find your way
Back home

And I know you'll be scared when you take up that cross
And I know it'll hurt, 'cause I know what it costs
And I love you so much and it's so hard to watch
But you're gonna grow up and you're gonna get lost
Just go back, go back

Go back, go back to the ancient paths
Lash your heart to the ancient mast
And hold on, boy, whatever you do
To the hope that's taken hold of you
And you'll find your way
You'll find your way
If love is what you’re looking for
The old roads lead to an open door
And you’ll find your way
You’ll find your way
Back home