Palm Sunday


This is the start of Holy Week. It doesn’t have the same feel that we would expect, but it doesn’t take away the reality of what we celebrate and remember. This is a week set aside to remember the final week of Jesus’ earthly ministry. Though we celebrate the birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus daily as believers, there is something that feels a bit more special about this week. Not only is it more on the mind of believers, but the whole world seems to know that this is Holy Week, no matter what they actually know about it.

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For this week I’m mainly going to post a little bit about each day (I may say something else related to what we are all going through right now - so I have to say ‘mainly’). A number of years ago Crossway put together some great graphics and short videos about each day of Holy Week. We generally understand what happened on Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter morning - but what about the rest of the week? These videos and graphics will help guide you through those days. Take the time and read the Scriptures and mediate on this final week of Jesus’ life.

Remember, in the midst of a global pandemic, there is nothing more solid, nothing that needs to be remembered more clearly, nothing that needs to be celebrated more than the solid and life-giving truth of Jesus and all he went through on behalf of his children. Let the pain of this time point to the beauty and sure hope of our resurrection with our Lord. Let the despair and anxiety lead us to the hope and surety of Christ. Let the disrupted nature of our lives point to what Jesus gives us with his life - peace with God (Luke 24:36; cf. Isaiah 9:6; Romans 5:1; Ephesians 2:14; Colossians 1:20).

Let’s take time this week and focus on who Christ is and what he has done for us (let us do it as together as we possibly can though we are ‘socially distanced’ from each other). Let this truth be the true anchor of our soul - and let us pray for and find ways to share that truth with others.

Holy Week, Day 1: Palm Sunday Sunday, March 29, AD 33. To continue through the week, please follow the link below for Monday: