Rainy Days and Mondays


Unlike many people, I don’t really dislike Mondays. Typically it’s my day off…a day to rest and recover a bit from a busy and draining (in a good way) Sunday. That has felt different over the past 5 weeks or so. I don’t have the same tiredness, but there is still emotional drain - and today with the cloudy and rainy skies and the temperature dropping - it’s a bit gloomy (especially as I type from a dark basement).

And the gloominess is a bit of picture of the longness of these days were are living in right now. There is uncertainty and (at least a bit of) trepidation. What is going to happen? When is the country going to open up again? Will we be safe from this virus? And sometimes the peace that we long for is hard to hold on to or even come by, but we have to go to the only source of peace in the midst of the uncertainty.

I think of Isaiah 26:3,4:

You keep him in perfect peace 

whose mind is stayed on you, 

because he trusts in you. 

Trust in the LORD forever, 

for the LORD God is an everlasting rock. 

Our Lord is our everlasting rock. He is the Rock of Ages. He is the one who can (and will) keep us in perfect peace. We are to labor to find rest in him. Our eyes must be fixed on him in the midst of whatever we are going through. He has proved his status as our rock over and over and over again. We can trust him. The resurrection of Jesus was the ultimate picture for us that our God is to be trusted. Our God gives us peace. Our God secures our hope. He truly is the anchor of our soul.

There is a great song written by Sandra McCracken called “Rock of Ages (When the Day Seems Long). [Here is a second version of it by Indelible Grace] Listen and let the words of truth wash over your soul. Our God is our solid and secure rock!

Lyrics written by Sandra McCracken and the music written by Indelible Grace's Kevin Twit. It has a nice haunting melody mixed with strains of Celtic influences.