Lasting Peace


Yesterday was a good day in my neck of the woods. The sun was shining. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky. The neighborhood was buzzing with socially distant activity - and that is where the ominous nature of all this still pressed through. There was joy mixed with sorrow. It was again a surreal experience. If you let it, that dichotomy of existence….it could weigh you down.

Even in the midst of a beautiful day, there is still distress. There is trouble. What is going to happen with all of this? What decisions will our leaders make next that deeply affect each and every one of us? So much feels completely out of our control - because it is.

As I was reading in John 16 this morning I was reminded how out of control the disciples felt - and how confused and sorrowful, and certainly weighed down by the prospects of what would come next.

But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.

Jesus had told them that he is going away. But then he said something shocking. That it was to their advantage for him to leave. How could that be? How could it be that they would be better off if Jesus, their teacher and Lord, left them? What does he say next? That the Holy Spirit would come. That he would convict the world in various realms. That He, as the Spirit of truth, would guide the disciples into al truth - the truth about Christ and salvation. And the truth that Christ has gone and prepared a place for his children (John 14:1-4).

Now the context of this text is that Jesus is preparing his disciples for his death - for his gruesome crucifixion. It will be a time when the world rejoices in its apparent victory. Jesus says to them: 20 Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy.

By all accounts, on that Friday it seemed as though Jesus was a bit of a fraud. But soon that day would be seen for the good that it is, because Christ’s death and resurrection secured salvation for all believers. It no longer is a time of mourning (though there is that because of our sin that demanded it), but of great rejoicing. And that joy no one can take way (John 16:22).

Not the rejoicing of the world. Not the uncertainty of life right now. Not the oddities of a virus that no one truly understands. Nothing…no one can take the joy of salvation from Christ’s people.

And then the last words of this chapter: 33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” 

Jesus knows what we need. He knew what the disciples needed to hear. They needed to hear of the work of the Spirit (and all believers have that same Spirit - indwelling us, always with us). They needed to hear that though they would have sorrow (facing reality is good) - they truly can have peace. They needed to hear that though they would experience tribulation in the world, yet Christ has overcome the world. And that is the source and ground and solid foundation of peace.

And as I think about myself, I experience the weighing down of all this. What change will all of this bring about? How is life going to be different. And then I need to return to the place of rest and peace. I am so thankful for the Spirit of God - may He rest upon us all.

Here’s a song for today - “Rest Upon Us” by Caedmon’s Call.

My soul is weary, and my cup is dry,
I am so in need of you,
Though my rightesousness is rags,
Your mercies are new

So Lord, come down to me,
So my heart can see,
How encompassing your grace can be

Holy Spirit, rest upon us,
Breath of God, touch my soul,
Come unfailing love of Jesus,
Rest upon us, rest upon us,

My mind is heavy and my days are long,
I lift my eyes up in the night,
My heart it weighs me down,
But your burden is light,

So Lord, come walk with me
Until my heart believes
All the bounties that your grace can bring

Holy Spirit, rest upon us,
Breath of God, touch my soul,
Come unfailing love of Jesus,
Rest upon us, rest upon us,

I will wait for you
I will wait for you
You rest upon us
Come rest upon us